What silence provides……

What silence provides……


Silence is such a rarity these days with the intensity and hub-bub of everyday modern life. Moments of silence are precious, and worth searching out, even creating.

The best listeners provide moments of silence when you have finished speaking and before they respond. This demonstrates they have listened to every word you say before they process a response or ask a question.  What you have to say is important to them and the silence demonstrates this.

Silence provides time for thinking and reflection. Short periods of silence allow consideration of all the available information and perspective to help make better decisions. An extended silence that comes from extracting yourself from the noise, technology and interactions provides the opportunity to reflect, learn and grow.

Silence allows us to bask in the wonders of nature. Lying at night in central Australia looking up at the stars in the milky way and being held in awe by the beauty and endlessness of the sky above. You will have your own memories.

Silence with those you love brings peaceful contentment. Being together in a quiet place, knowing this time is special and words are unnecessary.

Silence is a critical ingredient in our lives and one which should be sought out and cherished.